The Menglian Weaving Revival Project is a continuation of the Mengma Archive Project – CHP’s successful pilot project in ethnic minority cultural revitalization. Sponsored by the New Zealand Embassy’s Aid Programme, the Menglian Weaving Revival Project is a collaboration between CHP and Vital Edge, a US-based humanitarian micro-aid organization.
This one-year project aims to improve Menglian’s unique weaving techniques and transform basic local handicrafts into products competitive on the international handicrafts market. Professional weaving training from a Thai weaving expert will be provided, along with assistance in design development and marketing to local artisans. Finished products will be sold domestically and internationally, providing additional source of income to Menglian weavers.
Menglian Weaving Revival Project will help empower the Menglian minority to revitalize their weaving traditions and promote cultural awareness in both the local and wider community, while also providing a sustainable income alternative for the area.
More on the project:
· Menglian Initial Survey Trip Report
· From The Mengma Archive to the “Menglian Ethnic Folk Art Inheritance Association”
· Menglian Weaving Revival Project (ML2): Mid Year Report
· Menglian Weaving Revival Project: Second Report